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October 1, 2019 (Updated May 18th, 2023)

Techies, rejoice: Technology is boosting our productivity

by Louise Cunnah - Ayoa Blog Author posted in Lifestyle.

Ayoa | Techies, rejoice: Technology is boosting our productivity
Whether you’re a keen techie or a self-confessed technophobe, there’s simply no denying that advances in technology are changing the world for the better in many ways. It’s made it possible for us to communicate with people from across the globe at the click of a button, as well as giving us instant access to more information than we know what to do with.

Technology has been advancing at a rapid rate in recent years, bringing countless benefits – and one of the main places this has been seen is in the workplace through increases in productivity. Don’t just take our word for it; the National Business Research Institute believes that employees are more productive when they’re equipped with the right tech tools and equipment. This should come as no surprise, with the majority of workplaces now made up of people who grew up with technology and are now dependent on it.

Yep, we’re talking about you, Millennials and Gen Zers.

The Cloud and IoT (the Internet of Things) are just two technological advances that are shaping the way we work, helping us to get more done, and quickly too. Here are just some of the ways that technology is boosting productivity in workers across various industries…

Better organization

Many of us still love the satisfaction of writing down tasks and physically ticking them off when they’ve been completed, but there are downsides to the humble paper to-do list. They’re very easy to misplace or forget about, for one. You probably know that feeling of writing something you need to do down in the nearest notebook, closing it and then stumbling across the page with that pressing task written on it a few days (or weeks…) later than needed.

By putting your tasks in an online system, it’s easy to get organized and keep track of important deadlines. Task management software is getting more advanced by the day. Ayoa, in particular, enables you to attach documents and comments to projects and individual tasks, keep track of your progress and delegate them to others, as well as set due dates. As you can also set reminders to be sent a week, day or few hours before something is due, there’s plenty of encouragement to be productive.

Increased efficiency

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term that many of us hear and automatically picture robots, and it might be something that you think we won’t be using for another few years at least. However, AI is already beginning to have a firm place in our home and work lives. Own an Amazon Echo and ask Alexa to set you an alarm each morning? If not, then what about your iPhone’s Siri? Yep – those are both examples of how people use AI each and every day.

One of the key benefits AI brings is increased efficiency. There are a number of ways how this technology is already helping workplaces of all shapes and sizes, and across various sectors in departments. For recruitment, the likes of Stella and Palatine Analytics are using AI to match candidates to jobs and measure their performance. In terms of customer service, chatbots are helping brands to deliver instant responses and round-the-clock support that millennial and Gen Z customers are growing to expect.

The flexibility to work anywhere

Once upon a time, your employees wouldn’t be able to work if there was a blizzard or they were coming down with a cold and couldn’t face the commute to work. However, with many modern professions only requiring employees to have an internet connection, your business can reduce the amount of productivity lost through absenteeism by offering flexible and remote working.

Want to make remote working possible for your business? If you’re not already, then it’s time to start taking advantage of The Cloud. It might sound like a confusing and alien concept, but it simply refers to applications and software being hosted online rather than downloaded onto a specific device – some prime examples are Google Docs, OneDrive and Ayoa. By storing your documents, email inboxes and to-do lists online, these can be securely accessed from anywhere simply by logging in.

People using laptop and cell phone in meeting

Easier collaboration

Cloud-based systems also make it easier for teams to work together on projects as they enable documents to be shared with multiple people. Rather than emailing different versions of the same document back and forth through email (and potentially forgetting which one is the most up-to-date version), web-based applications like Google Docs and Ayoa allow multiple people to add comments and make edits in real-time.

When it comes to meetings, you now no longer need to have everyone sat around the same desk in the same room to get your point across. Thanks to the growing popularity of online calling and video conferencing software (such as Skype and Microsoft Teams), combined with higher quality webcams and microphones and screen-sharing software (GoToMeeting and JoinMe are two great examples), your boardroom can span multiple cities, countries and even continents if needed. With Ayoa, you can also share your Mind Maps with others, which allows people to contribute their ideas in real-time, no matter where they are.

Want to utilize technology to help you to think creatively, manage your workload more effectively and communicate better with your team? Ayoa’s Task Management and Mind Mapping Software offers a range of tools to make you and your whole workforce more productive – and thanks to a combination of in-app walkthroughs and our support team, even the biggest self-confessed technophobes will find it easy to use! Discover more about Ayoa or sign up for free.

Louise Cunnah - Ayoa Blog Author

Louise Cunnah has always had a passion for the written word, leading to her studying English, Media and Journalism at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Since graduating in 2014, she has held a number of different roles in marketing, both agency-side and in-house for brands like Ayoa. She loves taking on a challenge and has written content on a diverse range of subjects over the years, including horticulture, business management, telecommunications, health and safety, productivity, neurodiversity, and personal finance (to name but a few!).

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