November 4, 2015
5 quick tips to keep calm in an instant

*PLEASE NOTE – DropTask is now Ayoa – an all-in-one tool for idea generation and collaboration, that goes beyond traditional task management. Discover Ayoa and achieve your best work.*
Studies suggest that job related stress is a major cause of concern for adults. These issues can stem from causes ranging from inefficient productivity techniques and gloomy workspaces, right through to stressful lifestyle choices. In acknowledgement of National Stress Awareness Day, we’ve got some top tips to help you stay calm and focused throughout the day. Plus, if you have any other methods that you use to stay stress free we’d love to hear them – so don’t forget to leave a comment below and share your advice with us.
1. Identify everything that is weighing on your mind.
Setting out your worries can help you identify the true cause of your stress. You could write a list, or even better, you could put all of your concerns and tasks into an app like DropTask. Making a conscious effort to evaluate the priority of each task with importance and urgency labels can help you feel on top of your work rather than overwhelmed. This exercise will also help you get a good idea of where to begin and what you should work on next.
2. Get some plants.
Not only will plants help to purify the air in your office, they’re actually very soothing and will help to keep you calm. A study performed by Washington State University showed that the addition of plants to a working environment meant that people were more productive and less stressed. The results showed that subjects displayed 12% quicker reactions, a significant drop in blood pressure and reported feeling more attentive when the plants were present. So what are you waiting for? Get your gardening gloves on and combat stress by adding some shrubbery to your workspace!
Aside from giving you a great opportunity to reflect on what is worrying you, walking is a great way to help your body to release endorphins as a result of exercise. Endorphins are chemicals released by the brain that trigger positive feelings and can help to give you a better outlook on your worries – leaving you feeling optimistic and able to tackle your challenges.
4. Allow yourself time to spare.
Rushing from one thing to the next can contribute to feeling stressed out at work. Whether you’re going to a meeting or simply on your way to work, if you know it takes you 30 minutes, why not allow yourself 40 minutes to travel instead. Arriving at your destination relaxed and with time to spare will give you time to make yourself a coffee or check your emails before you begin.
5. Know your deadlines.
Time pressure can be a major cause of stress. Being aware of your deadlines can help you plan ahead and figure out what you need to do and when. By being familiar with your deadlines, you can ensure you don’t receive any nasty surprises or leave anything until the very last minute. Using DropTask you can take advantage of notifications, reminders and even email summaries to make sure you always know when your deliverables are due.
Transform your workflow into a stress free and productive way of working by signing up to DropTask for free today: