Our customers

From global organizations and local businesses to non-profits and educational institutes – teams from around the world are achieving more with Ayoa.

Aberystwyth University
Sheffield University
Oxford University
Open University
Cardiff University
Bristol University
Bangor University

Whatever you do, use Ayoa to help you do it . . .


Hudson Architects

Hudson Architects

Architectural Practice

“DropTask’s [Ayoa] visual style not only made it very easy to explain to everyone how it worked and why we should have it, but it also made all our staff enthusiastic to start entering their own work.”

Kylie Ross

Kylie Ross

Creative Entrepreneur

Five stars

“I’m really loving the mix of visual and text and the choice of views. I’ve left my Reminders and Trello behind (sorry), and this is all I use for both my business and personal to-dos. It’s easy and quick to setup and I’m in love.”

HP logo

Mark Pohlmann

Project Manager

“DropTask [Ayoa] designs a picture for me to view work status. This makes collaboration so much easier as people can report what they want during the day, resulting in fewer phone calls, less paperwork (with information the team need to hand to me), and no to-do ‘lists’.”

Rich Lovelock

Rich Lovelock

Web Developer

Five stars

“I’ve tried every organisational tool going I think, I’ve not tried something that has so seamlessly fitted in to my workflow with all features I need and more with a beautiful, usable UX, so much so that I subscribed within ten minutes. Fantastic job guys.”

Jeffrey Loosli

Jeffrey Loosli

HR Specialist

“My team really enjoy using Ayoa and are constantly amazed at what new ideas the Ayoa team are coming up with. We simply love the visuals of Ayoa because you can instantly see where things are in relation to each other.”

Chris Coney

Chris Coney

Marketing Consultant

“Not an hour goes by that I don’t refer to DropTask [Ayoa], and it remembers everything for me so I don’t have to work in a stressful state.”

Brian Vroomen

Brian Vroomen

Finance Controller

“I highly recommend DropTask (Ayoa) to anyone, even if you’re not in a team environment and just want to manage your own duties.”

Carl Davis

Carl Davis


“Since DropTask [Ayoa] is available on the web – along with native apps for both iOS and Android devices, team members across offices and locations can access their Task Boards at any time.”

Ariel Oosthuizen

Ariel Oosthuizen

Ministries Director

Five stars

“It is beautiful, easy, comprehensive, intuitive, no glitches, not exorbitantly priced. In short…AWESOME!”

Tim Barnett

Tim Barnett

Sales Director, Educ8

“The option to see work data visually or in linear columns is a very powerful feature, in fact it’s critical. What I like about Ayoa is that it’s easy to use, visual and flexible.”


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