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AI Imports

AI Powered Importing – Transforming your workflow by effortlessly importing presentations, documents or videos to Ayoa and using the advanced AI Mind Map to highlight the key points of the content for you. Increasing engagement, accelerating process speed and kickstarting projects.

ETA: Aug 2023

Outline mode

Work in documents – Soon you will have the ability to switch your mind maps into an outline view to compose documents directly in Ayoa. Expand on your map’s ideas, add images and tables, format your text, and export to a range of file types with a choice of styles.

ETA: Sept/Oct 2023


Citations – Ayoa is elevating its citation process by integrating with specific citation tools to provide better assistance to its users, including the incorporation of the Citation Style Language in outline view echoing what we offer in our bibliography tools.

ETA: Nov 2023

Recently added…

Auto Focus – Ayoa’s new autofocus feature enhances user focus by highlighting specific areas of their mind maps, reducing visual distractions and promoting concentrated engagement on chosen segments. Ideal when working on large mind maps.

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Neuro Settings

AI Neuro Settings – The new AI Neuro settings in Ayoa use artificial intelligence to create visual mind maps with language specifically suited to cater to the unique learning and cognitive processing needs of neurodivergent individuals. Using Ai as a partner to support neurodivergent students to get started with projects and generate ideas.


To see a detailed breakdown of our web updates, view our release notes by clicking below. Alternatively, click here for iOS and Android release notes.




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Please note that feature descriptions, designs and release dates may be subject to change. New features may not be available on all plans.




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