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May 10, 2018

Your morning routine for better productivity

by ayoaredux posted in Lifestyle.

Ayoa | Your morning routine for better productivity
Are you an early bird or a late riser? Do you take advantage of those “golden hours” to get stuff done? Or do you let your productivity peak pass you by? At DropTask [now Ayoa], we want you to enhance your productivity right from the get-go.

Think about your current morning routine. Are you making the most of those crucial hours? If not, we’re here to help. Today, we’ve noted down our top tips for a more productive morning ritual to help you get the most out of your day. See below how DropTask [Ayoa] can help you.

Get the daunting task out of the way

Eat your frog – no, really!

Start your day by getting that daunting task out of the way. Trust us, you’ll feel better once it’s done. Take the Brian Tracy ‘Eat That Frog’ approach for example. By ‘eating your frog’ first thing in the morning, the rest of your day will be a little easier to tackle. If you’re unsure what your ‘frog’ task is, it’s the one that you’ve been dreading to start (we all have them). Assign an Urgency icon to your frog task so that it’s visible in your workload. With a visual reminder placed on the task, there’ll be no getting away from it. So, the next time you grab your morning coffee, ensure you eat your frog too! It’ll be the best thing you do all day.

Make progress with your projects

Mark your progress

When we’re unsure what’s been completed and what’s still in progress, we’re delayed and unable to get to work. At the beginning of your day, take a look at your workload to see what’s ahead. Completed one of your Checklist items? Simply hit the tick icon to remind yourself, and others, that this action has been taken. If you’re 50% of the way through your task, use the Progress Percentage bar to mark how far you’ve got left to go. By doing this, your task circle will instantly update to show that you’re halfway there – go you! By eliminating what’s been Completed, and what needs a little more work, you’ll be able to assess your priorities and set a focus for the day.

Schedule task with start and due dates

Get a head start

When we’re busy, important things get missed. With DropTask’s [Ayoa] built-in Calendar, forgotten to-dos will be a thing of the past. Assign Start and Due Dates to tasks so that you’re certain when they’re approaching. With dates assigned, they’ll be automatically scheduled in your personalised Calendar. When you’re ready to start the day, check your Calendar so that you’re aware of what’s coming up that week, the week after, or further into the future. By doing this, you’ll be able to plan your time accordingly for all of those important dates that are in the pipeline.

Get your morning productivity in order with Ayoa. New to Ayoa? Discover more and sign up today, and start achieving your best work.

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