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Enhance team productivity and communication with Ayoa

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  • Create up to 10 mind maps
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Ayoa mind mapping and productivity


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How Ayoa increases time management and efficiency in the workplace:


project planning icon

Planning Projects

Starting a new work project has never been easier with Ayoa.

Kick start thinking:

  • Capture all your ideas in our idea bank ready to develop in future
  • Get started with Ayoa templates
  • Take large pieces of information and use our AI summary to summarise the main points in a mind map

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managing tasks icon

Managing Tasks

Organising your tasks and priorities has never been simpler when you can visual your workload in Ayoa.

Clearly define priorities to maintain focus:

  • Use checklists to create to-do lists and tick tasks off
  • Set reminders and track progress
  • Our Microsoft integration means tasks set in Ayoa can be put into your outlook calendar so saves you time entering twice


collaboration icon

Collaborating With Others

Our all-in-one solution caters for all working styles, meaning collaboration has never been better.

Communicate clearly and seamlessly:

  • Easily switch between views and work in your preferred styles
  • Talk through instant chat or in groups
  • Provide comments to co-workers as feedback
  • Collaborate on Whiteboards to collect and sort ideas

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presenting icon

Presenting Work

Ayoa’s built in auto create presentation tool saves you time on having to create separate presentations. Easily present ideas, research or findings, and even perform group presentations all in one place.

Flow through projects from start to finish:

  • Present work straight from your mind map
  • Add team members to your mind maps to collaborate on presentations
  • Divide presentations up by colours on your mind map to there’s clear sections




All-in-one Assistive Tech

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recommendation guide

Recommendation Guide

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Ayoa Workplace Video

Workplace Video Guide

Watch to see everything Ayoa has to offer employees.

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Katrina Cochrane, Founder of Positive Dyslexia Quote icon

I love how the product is so Dyslexia Friendly – the ability to use different fonts, background colours etc make it so accessible for those with an SpLD, including dyslexia. The use of AI to support is inspiring, but even without it I can see so many applications for those needing to get their ideas down in school, university and in employment. A great resource.

Katrina Cochrane, Founder of Positive Dyslexia


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  • Create up to 10 mind maps
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