There’s no magic solution to the problems you face when you have ADHD. But we’re taking steps to help. Ayoa simplifies how you use technology, which means less apps, less distraction, less overwhelm.
Try an all-in-one app that really has everything you need.
This isn’t just a bog standard task management app – it’s designed to work with neurodivergent brains like yours.
This app gives you a truly flexible foundation to build stronger habits and routines, so you can become the person you’ve always wanted to be.
Allow yourself to be be fully creative, and Ayoa will help you keep important tasks in mind.
Have fun while you manage everything through Ayoa. With work, study, and life in one space, nothing is out of sight or out of mind.
Defeat task paralysis once and for all, knowing where and when to begin even the most intimidating tasks.
Some days are harder than others. With Ayoa, become more flexible in how you approach the world, so that you can always plan ahead.
Get everything done in advance with Ayoa. Use an app that supports your time blindness and actually understands.
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Can’t start or finish a tricky task? Don’t know how to approach a project? Feel completely lost with the next step?
Allow AI to offer a helping hand.
*Available in Ayoa Ultimate only.
Harness high-powered tech with swift ease. You don’t need to be a computer scientist to use AI to your advantage.
Don’t know where to begin? Let Ayoa spark off several possibilities to get you off and running.
Tired of staring idly at a blank page? Use AI to plan and work sustainably, getting you over the first hurdle.